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2015 Motorcycle Riding Season Preliminary Statistics Summary

At this point there have been 60 motorcycle fatalities this riding season in 56 crashes. That compares to 44 rider deaths at this point last year.

There were 46 motorcycle fatalities in 2014.

2015 Rider Deaths Statistics
·       Helmet use: 37 riders killed were not wearing helmet; 16 were wearing a helmet.
o      It’s unknown if the remaining 7 riders were wearing helmets or not.
·       33 of the crashes were single-vehicle, involving only the motorcycle. 23 of the crashes involved a motorcycle and another vehicle.
·       6 of the crashes were motorcycle vs. deer.
·       8 passengers have died in motorcycle crashes.
·       26 of the crashes happened while motorcyclists were negotiating a curve. Only 2 of the 26 involved a second vehicle; 24 were single-vehicle crashes.
·       Rider Deaths by Age:
o      20’s: 9 riders
o      30’s: 9 riders
o      40’s: 12 riders
o      50’s: 18 riders
o      60’s: 10 riders
o      70’s: 2 riders
·       41 of the crashes happened in a rural area. 15 happened in an urban area.

The summer months (June, July, August) tend to be the time when there are the greater number of motorcycle fatalities.

The record for the most motorcycle fatalities was set in 1980, when 121 motorcyclists were killed in 112 crashes.

The data is followed by some of the usual advice such as "wear a helmet, get trained" and the ABATE party line about how drivers need to watch out for unskilled and poorly protected motorcyclists because we're too dumb to do it for ourselves.